Saturday, October 31, 2009

Simply UNLUCKY :(

I'm soo unlucky since I accepted to be d kind soul to take my colleague's nite as she can't do tis round of nite! Well, don't believe that in tis world, good deeds will get good returns! Or is it d combination is simply incompatible?! On d way to wk my 1st nite & I forget to bring my HP! My clients didn't sleep well & my patience was USED up & one of them passed out. Get stupid remarks from DR. When u help someone, don't think of getting returns coz it may be impossible & people expects MORE! Then on my 2nd nite, my clients simply can't sleep & seems to be disturb by somethings or someone! Argh :( Why? Usually I'm not that Jinx lei! Another client passed out but manage to wake up. Help people oso must see if tat person is worth helping anot. Stupid encounter. Finally when everything is OVER but it's not over yet. Supervior say.....why is d TV still on? U didn't switch off since last nite? I swear i switch off d TV with my own hand. I write a list of what to do..... off Tv is one my task! If ghost switch on, then am I suppose to catch that ghost??? BOss suddenly appear & say why is d TV on? Nv off d whole night??? As if she can save millions of $$$ by switching off d TV for that few hours. Think properly!! Don't find lame excuses to scold & spoilt peoples' day. Tonight is my last night, pray for d best! Jia You, monkey Tan, don't let people bring u DOWN.