Monday, October 27, 2008


Weide organise a chalet as begawan solo mini gathering at
downtown east coast sand resort. Total of 9memberS include
Weide, Meilan, Yuting plus Mum, Soon Pore, Siew Fang & Me
plus daddy. We mit at bus700 route to set off...zoom....blur me
forget to ask for d exact location of chalet & we went to
downtown east 'E hUb" & park! Waited for some time & the
rest of the never appear

C-07 is the room tat we stayed in... played Wii nice fun
family-friendly games...started our BBQ adventure... it's very
"HOT" but i really enjoyed the FUN... we had sotong balls,
crabsticks, hotdogs, marshallow, otah, satay, sausage & some
not tat nice packed food.... slurped....
We had 3games of bowling in safra Tampines

Managed to persuade snOring.... daddy to stay coz it's
already 3am... not safe to drive....we played some games b4
we sleep.... his snOring didnt got him 1st place in the room!
Yawnz....woke up at 11plus...still so sleepy & my panda eyes
are so obvious! Got many missed callS from work place & Siti
plus mUmmy!! Called back to work place & Siti answered...told
me tat sister need someone to wk PM shift! Told her tat I'm at
chalet so she told me to pretend tat i didnt call back!

We went to Changi Village to buy the famous nasi lemak
but the the queue is super long that we may need to 1hr
plus :( we continue to play games after lunch... the games r really cutez...
Left at 5plus & head to Kebangam for famous herbal soup
& LALA.....Since daddy is so nice & stayed behind so granted
him a wish!