Monday, September 29, 2008

Formula 1

One fine day, Belinda asked me if I'm interested to be Singhealth F1 volunteer..... ME: Anything

lor.... Belinda submitted our name via email. No good news at all till one day NC Tan S.C. called

me at 11am...

NC Tan: hello, i'm NC Tan coordinating F1, r U still interested?

Me: Ermm... yupz:)

NC Tan: ok, report on....

i'm so excited tat i'm being selected!! I went for the 1st training at SMU & subsequent training alone!! We have team medical centre, extrication team, FIV team, track lane team, Pit lane team & ambulance team.

I was assigned to be Alpha 5 paramedic together with Driver & 1 ambulance paramedic from HOPE. My role is to communicate wif race ctrl & be on standby when there is an accident occurs. It's quite challenging as i'm totally unfamiliar wif radio comms. I'll have palpitations whenever race ctrl to alpha5. I've been keep praying hard for d F1 drivers safety; as long as they r safe... I'm safe toO! 25th sept is my 1st experience & at the end of the session... d driver asked mi if can cope anot, if not he want to change ME! Of course i say I CAN lah!! Luckily nothing evenfUl over the 4 days.. Phew!!

Will I volunteer next year>>>>> my ans is NO! Let others can have a chance. Usually we'll meet at SGH at 9am & finishes d event at abt 11.30pm &
reaches home at abt 1.30am! I got to scrUb my sticky body & smelly hair & sleep at abt 3am.
The next day got to wake up at 7.30am to get ready for D2!! Panda Cum puffy eyes, pale face & grumbles like an old lady. Our packed food for the 4days sUcks>>> standard package rice plus veg & 2meats(chiX & fish). We drink plenty of 100 PLUS, mineral water & got supply of coke, sprite. We practically>>>>Eat, Peee, Sit... drink & wait!!

After 4 days event i feel like i've worked 4busy nights. But overall it is an experience for me as a paramedic... we may get unexpected cases unlike when we r at ward level d pts r standard package.

Thank U ;)

- All my co-colleagues & friends for their support & encouagement

- NC Tan SC for her support & coordinating us ( via sms she sent me" Well done nurses! Thank u so much for your help")

- Daddy Lim for fetching me back frm SGH

- & my NHC Boss & co- colleagues

Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's my birthday

FOC makeup
all set
makeUp artist

28 years old celebration wif Belinda

wildberry cheesecakecheesy fries my fave present

I've received very nice presentS by Bel, RenU, Regine, PUichinG, Siti, AlicE, MarilYn JasMine & Koh!!! I LOVED them ALL!!

It's nice & tOuching to receive lOvely b'day wishes.....

Yuting: happy birthday to u! :)..

Bel: happy BIRTHDay nanny!

Weide: happy 28th bday to u.. may we stay young n happy at such old age 28 hahaha..

Marilyn: a lovely piggy..

Soon Pore: Happy birthday gal! Stay happy always:) &

Jasmine: A very Happy Birthday to you, dearest Ivy! Stay happy and healthy alway! Have a wonderful celebration! Cheers

On 24 Sept.....
Priscilla: hi wan to wish u advance happy bdae.. cos i knw the coming days u will be busy..

Koh: U welcome hapi birthday..

On 25 Sept.....
Pigsy: Happy belated 10min birthday to Piglet! wish my Piglet always healthy n pretty;)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

2nd anniversay cUm bday celebration

23rd september is a special day for the both of US. We had a birthday cUm anniversary at Grand Copthorne Waterfront hotel.

oUr ROM 2nd anniversay=)
1-for-1 buffet @ Café Brio's
my fave

dessert to stUff in overload stomach:(

Relax leh... I loOk so stiff in pic

Nice Smile:)

BUrps.... we r so super FULL............ Dearest daddy, thanks for taking care of me, enduring "kUngfU" & my reQuest. It's not easy for 2person to meet & be together. Sometimes some words can't be express & i may be confused plus frustrated. Please try to understand as much as U can.